As a child care brand, posting regularly on social media is a great way to engage your community. But what kinds of content should you upload?

Here, we’ll discuss effective social media marketing for child care brands, including the eight best types of posts.

Social Media Marketing for Child Care Brands

Whenever we talk about social media marketing for child care brands, we keep a few benefits in mind.

First and foremost, social media can reinforce to enrolled parents that they made a good choice in selecting your child care center. They get to see that their child is safe, taken care of, and having fun. Social media also enables parents to be brand ambassadors — it gives them a platform and a reason to share your business with their friends and family.

Social media also allows your business to make a good impression on prospects. Potential parents want to learn everything they can about your child care center, and social media is a great peek into your “window.”

Finally, a strong social media presence is great for your company’s search engine optimization (SEO). The more people who look at and share your content, the happier Google will be. As a result, more Googlers will be directed to your website. The ultimate goal is for parents to learn about your school and to enroll their children.

Interested in enjoying these benefits? Read on.

The Problem With DIY Social Media Marketing for Child Care Brands

Initially, most child care centers try to handle their own social media strategy. Unfortunately, this doesn’t usually turn out the way they hoped.

Your school has a million moving parts. If you appoint an existing employee to manage your social media, they can get distracted by other tasks, resulting in a lack of publishing consistency.

Attention to your branding is crucial. Consistency in colors and fonts shows your audience the style and voice of your school. If the person managing your social media isn’t trained in brand strategy, your consistency will fall short and your marketing voice will appear disjointed.

Also important in today’s world is a hyper-awareness of what we post online. Each and every photo needs to be analyzed for anything that could be misunderstood, especially in the background. If the person who posts your social media isn’t careful, they could let something slip by that you may not want to display — and you’ll probably hear about it from a parent later.


Different Types of Social Media Posts for Child Care Brands

Infographic: The 8 Best Social Media Post Types for Child Care Brands

So, when it comes to social media marketing for child care brands, what kinds of posts are the best? Let’s look at eight different post types, what makes them so effective, and what they should include.

1. Pictures of Happy Children

This one’s obvious, right? Everyone loves pictures of happy kids doing happy things. It reassures parents that their kids are having a great time and that they’re safe.

These posts get more engagement than any other type of post, and parents love to share them. Schools that don’t want to publish the faces of their children can work around this — pictures of the backs of your kids’ heads, or pictures of happy hands doing happy projects, are also effective.

If you can take pictures of your children, take full advantage and get plenty of photos of kids interacting with each other. Peer interactions show positive relationships, learning, and healthy development — all things parents love to see!

2. Pictures of Happy Children With Their Teachers

Parents also love to see their kids interacting with their teachers in positive ways. Whether they’re completing projects, having story time, or getting help with homework, smiling kids and smiling teachers show parents that their children are supported and loved.

3. Teacher Birthdays and Milestones

It may be surprising, but posts that celebrate your teachers’ birthdays and milestones do very well as far as engagement. This is especially true for work anniversaries, which reflect low employee turnover. There’s consistency there they can count on, and parents appreciate that a great deal.

4. Pictures of Food

The parents of this generation are foodies at heart, and they love to see pictures of beautifully plated food. If your school offers all-organic or “no canned food” lunches, take advantage of the opportunity to plate a healthy lunch sample and snap a photo. Parents will eat it up!

5. Activities and Curriculum

Of course, any time you can illustrate what your children are learning is a great opportunity. Take pictures of STEAM or STEM activities, as well as any activities that encourage literacy, and share them online. Fun outdoor activities and field trips are also perfect for social media posts.

6. Mission Statements

Posting about your school’s mission statement strengthens your relationship with parents by reinforcing your values. These kinds of posts also give prospects a peek into your brand and help them decide whether they want to learn more about your school.

7. Safety and Cleanliness

Posts about safety walk a fine line between providing reassurance and inducing fear. We recommend reassuring parents that your school is clean and safe by telling them about the simple ways your school maintains these standards every day.

8. Community Involvement

Children getting involved with the larger community or a charity is something that should be celebrated! When your school contributes to a charity or participates in a local event, share it on social media. Parents will be more than willing to offer support.

Getting the Most Out of Your Social Media Strategy

As we’ve mentioned, social media marketing for child care brands requires consistency and a high level of vigilance. Hiring a professional marketing company ensures your school and brand appeal to the right people, and that your SEO ranking drives prospects to your website.

Don’t underestimate the value of a great social media strategy. The right one can build a loyal community of brand ambassadors and bring in new clients consistently. If you’d like to learn how Rose Marketing Solutions can help, please reach out. We’d love to chat with you!



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